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Energy Producing Window Tint Technology Window Film

Window Tint Technology

As a society, we are becoming increasingly worried about the depletion of our natural resources, which has led us to find innovative and simple ways to incorporate renewable, energy producing products into our homes. Solar energy is one of the most popular ways to have our homes generate electricity, but not all of us can convert to solar panels. Luckily, bulky panels may soon become a thing of the past as window tint begins to make its mark in the world of energy producing technology.

Window tint is already an obvious solution when it comes to saving energy as it is a cost-efficient way to keep windows from heating homes and reducing the need for energy-sucking cooling systems. At Doctor Window Tint, our Solar Control® Residential Window Tint can already reduce your energy bill up to 30% while also blocking up to 99% of harmful UV rays. Now imagine if we could reduce the energy you use while also producing energy for your home! That’s the beauty behind energy producing window tint technology.

What Is Energy Producing Window Tint Technology?

Understanding how this still new technology works entirely would require a lot of scientific knowledge about subjects such as perovskites and nanotubes, but in simple terms, it works by self-tinting the windows as they become heated. As the sun heats the window and it begins to darken, it produces a certain level of electricity we can harvest. The window tint lightens again as the window cools.

How Does Energy Producing Window Tint Work?

The entire process from 68% transparency cooled to 3% transparency when darkened takes a mere three minutes! What makes this technology different from similar products that currently exist is that current technology allows consumers to have either a well-operating window or a well-operating solar cell. This one-or-the-other factor means that the window will often allow too much or too little light into homes. The new technology, however, allows the window to adjust to the amount of light needed, acting as a more powerful solar energy producer during brighter hours.

Benefits of Solar Energy Technology

Saving energy and blocking harmful rays have already been mentioned as benefits of switching to traditional window tint, but converting to energy producing window tint also means:

  • Reduce Energy Bills: Considering the average home receives about seven hours of sunlight a day, window tint will provide a constant source of energy. The automatic solar tinting will keep your home cool during peak sun hours, reducing the need to run air conditioning and fans while also making its own energy for the times you need it.

  • Help The Environment: With less reliance on traditional energy sources and more use of renewable energy, fewer greenhouse gasses are emitted into the atmosphere. Energy producing window tint technology also reduces the pollutants that finite resources release.

  • Increased Home Value: As the public becomes more interested in renewable energy technology, homes who have it implemented to improve their appeal to buyers. The more updated a home is it not only sells for more but also decreases its time on the market.

  • Window Tint Is Easy: Doctor Window Tint comes to you to guarantee a quality job backed up by a lifetime guarantee against bubbling and peeling. Our seven-step installation process consists of:
    1. Clean.
    2. Install.
    3. Pause.
    4. Squeegee.
    5. Pause.
    6. Squeegee.
    7. Inspect.

As society’s desire for renewable energy becomes more prominent, it is crucial that simple ways to incorporate it into our daily lives become available. Energy producing window tint is appealing for that very reason. Window tint has proven to be beneficial to homes and health for quite some time and being able to integrate it with energy producing technology makes the future a bright reality.

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